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tv   KPIX 5 News at 5PM  CBS  December 19, 2016 5:00pm-5:31pm PST

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>> this is really scary. >>reporter: us intelligence as the crash has all of the harmonics -- hallmarks of a terrorist attack. the polish company that owns the 18 wheeler says they have not been able to locate the driver assigned to the truck. the truck was loaded with steel and may have been hijacked. as of now the police are not calling this a terror attack. another deadly terror attack, this one in turkey. the russian ambassador assassinated right in front of cameras. we have the story in a video that is quite graphic. >>reporter: the sound of gunfire as an attacker open fire.
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andre carlisle was speaking in the capital city and fell to the ground as the bullets hit. the shooter waved his gun in the air shouting his allegiance to the prophet mohammed and pledging to carry out a g hot. he also reportedly -- jihad. he also reportedly says serial would pay for its cruelty. police shot and killed the gunman who had fired at least a shot and smashed photos. the mayor said the assailant was a turkish police officer. russia have supported the syrian government putting the kremlin on the opposite side of turkey's position. moscow called the shooting a terror attack and says it isn't -- is in contact with turkish authorities. >> both the united nations and
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state department have condemned the attack. another freeway shooting, eastbound 580 near lakeshore shutdown about 5:30 pm this afternoon. officers say it appears to be a case of road rage. one driver shooting at another, no one was hit. look at the backup as traffic had to be redirected off the freeway. some drivers were so desperate they drove over those curves to get out of the backup. the lanes reopened about 3:45 pm, but the damage was done. a massive tree topples onto a roadway jamming up traffic. the tree came down on veterans lobar, a section of highway one north of the macarthur tunnel. emily turner is nearby and shows us a closer look. >>reporter: we have pictures from the road where it happened.
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it gives you the perspective to see just how much of a mess intimate this afternoon. the tree now just before 1:30 pm and landed on a vehicle just ahead of this staffer who shot this video. luckily no one was injured. the tree fell on the north side of the macarthur tunnel and block traffic for the better part of an hour. you can see crews scrambling to cut the limbs of the tree. chopping it up and then hauling it out of the way. that red double-decker tour bus got a front row seat. in the meantime traffic backed up both ways. those headed north were backed up to golden gate park and south down drivers were stuck on the golden gate bridge. there is no word on what caused the tree to fall. we did look around the area and the ground is certainly very
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wet. a health alert went out this afternoon because of flaring at the shell oil refinery. a view shows why smoke coming out of two towers. earlier the health services warned about excessive flaring and black smoke of -- smoke. the election was last month, but it was today that donald trump officially won the white house. melissa kane is in sacramento where california's electors met this afternoon. >>reporter: the electoral college vote is usually a formality. here it was packed with media and onlookers. even in a state like california there was still drama.
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before the vote hundreds of protesters turned out the plea with electors to vote for someone, anyone besides donald trump. >> this is not a day that i say anything except never trump. >>reporter: voting got underway around 2:30 pm. the chamber held its breath as the secretary counted the ballots, not sure if one or more what has california systems by voting for someone other than clinton and kane. -- kaine. the secretary of state gave a big smile when the final numbers came in. so far no maverick has risk jail
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by voting against the results of the general election. today the presiding officer reminded us when california first became a state there were only four electors. today it took almost 2 hours for the voting to be complete. >> do we know if any of the other electors in any of the other states actually went against what they had taken an oath to? >>reporter: yes they have. in texas to trump electors refused to cast their vote for donald trump, instead for ron paul and john kasich. we are getting reports that four electors in washington state refused to cast a vote for hillary clinton. reportedly, electors in maine and minnesota attempted to change their bolts and were not permitted. certainly challenges that will be following this year's round of voting.>> interesting. today, the president-elect
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tapped another wealthy businessman to work in his administration. vincent viola is the choice to be secretary of the army. he has run multiple is mrs. and owns the florida panthers hockey team. the trump transition team says he has an impressive track record of leading and managing high-performance teams. tonight first lady michelle obama shares her thoughts on her eight years in the white house in a special interview with oprah winfrey. you can watch the entire interview right here starting at 8 o'clock. relief in antioch trying to sort out details in a shooting that sent two people to the hospital just before noon. chopper five over the scene. police say a woman was sitting in her car when the shots rang out. she was shot in the head and is now in surgery. police say they found a t
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shell casings thrown all over the road. right now they are investigating if the incident started in an upstairs apartment. a store owner across the street heard the entire thing. >> they came in and we heard them yelling and that was it. we thought it was a dispute in the parking lot until he came outside and the person yelled to call 911. >> police took several people into custody. the academy of art university has agreed to pay the city of san francisco $60 million after a legal fight over zoning. the multimillion dollar settlement stems from a lawsuit that claims that 33 of the university's buildings were violating city zoning laws. as part of the deal the academy will pay the city $20 million in fines and fees. it also requires the academy to provide at least 160 units of affordable housing value at an
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additional $40 million.>> this was housing that residents desperately needed in the midst of an affordable housing crisis. now, through our efforts, this company have agreed to be part of the solution. >> the academy's lawyer says they are police, but they claimed the academy apply for proper use changes way back in 2007. >> the academy has resolved its out tanning issues in a way that makes it again, a very good neighbor in this community. i think one thing that i have learned is how desperate the situation for affordable housing is in the city of san francisco. the mac the academy is the largest private accredited art and design university in the nation. >> get used to seeing things like this.
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frosted windshields and plans. the bay area in the grips of near freezing temperatures. people spotted this morning about. this is a live look at the crystal cold air, more bitter cold headed our way tonight. more importantly, another alert for tomorrow. >> the cold makes it feel like christmas. >> it is kind of getting us in the mood. with temperatures last night down to 26 degrees for an overnight low, the good news is it will not be quite as cold, but still plenty coal. overnight lows dipping down in low numbers overnight. if livermore his 31 degrees that will be 5 degrees warmer than last night. the air quality with this sort of a system suffers. none of the pollutants -- well, few of them gets mixed out as a result the airfields and stack makes.
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. tomorrow we will have a second day of spare the air. we will also have changes in the weather. i will tell you about the next prospect for rain. today marks one of the busiest shopping days and shipping days of the year. and one of our reporters try to get a gift across country, we will break down what it will cost. google trying to make minivans hip. a four-year-old girl robbed of her christmas presents. her message to the thief caught on camera. ,,,,,,
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a couple of grinches tried to spoil the holidays for a little girl in the east bay. kpix 5's jessic a couple of grinches tried to sport the holiday for a
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little girl in east bay. jessica martinez spoke to her parents who have a message for that these who made off with their daughters presents. >>reporter: and layla's house christmas is all around. outside you are greeted by holiday cheer, but there is another message, this one intended for the thieves who made away with a little girls christmas gift.>> use the term porch pirates, telling them to be aware and think twice. >>reporter: the surveillance camera shows an amazon truck pull a. the driver unloads two gifts. about 20 minutes later a u.s. postal service truck delivers more packages wallowing right behind about two minutes later is a dark sedan. a couple gets out and takes four packages from the porch and drive off.>> how do you feel about it? >> sat.
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-- sad. >> this is something that will not steal our holiday joy. >>reporter: they are hoping someone recognizes the pair to keep this from happening again. >> i thought last night how lucky we are that i can easily replace these gifts. i know there are people struggling and it won't be as easy for them. >> police looking for three suspects a home on crystal springs road last wednesday around 5:30 pm. you can make out two of the suspects wearing hooded sweatshirts. police say they broke and through a back door and it is unknown what was taken. with christmas days away it is a mad dash to the post office. people having to wait to ship their gifts.
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we have important information for those still procrastinating. >>reporter: we are going to take you inside the national distribution center. this is one of the busiest locations this time of year and packages are getting delivered before christmas. these packages will be delivered throughout northern california by tomorrow. you can see they will be sorted and headed down this conveyor belt. before any of this can happen you need to get your package in the mail and be prepared for long lines. we stood in from. >> have a pullover, nonstick pans, coasters.>>reporter: time to wrap and not much time to do it. news that people can be procrastinators unless we have a deadline. today i had a deadline to get the story done and to mail this
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package. my package is ready and now it is time to stand in line at the albany post office. the weight? about 30 minutes. not too bad.>> everyone seems to be ready. >>reporter: if you still need to mail a package and have it arrive no later than december 25 you can send it tomorrow my first class mail. december 21 priority mail, and december 23 priority mail express, but that will cost you a lot. >> priority mail today is $17. >>reporter: it would've cost double had i waited until the very last mailing day. and here we are back live at the national distribution center. the post office will be closed christmas day and the day after. if you need to mail something internationally you are out of luck. do not procrastinate. that is the latest here in
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richland. we are getting a first look at google's new self driving minivan. chrysler says they have just delivered 100 pacifica hybrids. sensors will be installed to help map the vehicle surroundings. they plan to start testing the new fleet next year. still a few more hours to sign up for health insurance. the cover california deadline has been extended until midnight. that timing will align the state program with a new federal deadline. so far in california nearly 200,000 people have signed up. that is despite donald trump's about to repeal the affordable care act. downy fabric softener sales are down and the company says millennial's are to blame. the sales reportedly fell 26% from 2007 to 2050.
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and executive says it is because millennial do not know what fabric softener is. downey is hoping to change that with a new campaign aimed at showing millennial's how to do laundry and why they should use fabric softener. we will be learning about our next chance for rain. as we look live, a beautiful sunset tonight. your forecast is coming up. all newest 6:00, taking stock of our water supply. all after last week's bay area soaker, the impressive post to reservoirs. sn' stopping arctic weather from paralyzing
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much of the country. the first day of winter two days away, but that is not stopping arctic weather from
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paralyzing much of the country. coast-to-coast the deep-freeze is creating dangerous road conditions. a driver shot this video of a tanker crash. two people killed and dozens injured in a near 70 vehicle pileup. travel by air not much better. about 4000 flights had to be canceled nationwide over the weekend. >> the irony is everyone here is complaining about how cold it is and you see that picture, we are so lucky. >> if your relatives are coming in from becky's o'hare airport had big delays over the weekend. it might be a wet one, first let's look at the projected highs for tomorrow afternoon. we are up to almost 60 degrees around the bay area.
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conquered down to 50 degrees, and livermore it is already 46 degrees. it is going to be a chilly one tonight. high pressure well offshore. this corridor of moisture beginning to affect us a little bit tomorrow. those high clouds will also keep us a little warmer at night. we will be about 5 degrees warmer than we were last night and the coldest location. livermore will have an overnight low of 1 degree below freezing. you can see it should be severely clear and high clouds began to sneak away in by tomorrow evening. just for fun let's take a moment and see where we are on the right policies and. more than 8 inches at this point. santa rosa with 17 1/2 inches of rain since july santa rosa with 17 1/2 inches of rain since july 1. for the first time
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one of the big barrier cities has dipped a little below average for this time of the year, san jose. it shows you how much the direction of these storms count between the north bay and the south bay. what a difference 70 miles can make. it will be cold again tonight, the frost and freeze advisories have been canceled. a little warmer through wednesday and the next chance for showers working its way in by friday. in may be wet again on christmas, the models are all over the place. it does look like clouds will thicken up. for tomorrow we will have thin and high clouds over most of northern california. we will be below freezing. by tomorrow numbers will be in the most -- mostly in the near
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50s. the bottom line is this is where we are supposed to be at this time of the year. upper 50s for the east bay. some high clouds in the north bay tomorrow. and four cloverdale 60 degrees. in the extended forecast we will be looking for temperatures to remain near 60 degrees before we get a chance to get wet on friday. by the weekend christmas is up in the air. we will see if santa will need an umbrella. >> we will be right back. ,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,
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people" he set up an outragous holiday lights display - one ohio man has decided he is going to give the power to the people. he set up an outrageous holiday like display and is putting you in control. his name is tom and he connected thousands of lights to this website. if you visit you can control the lies with the touch of a button. the interactive display runs through new year's day. i have seen these where you park on side the house and you tune into the radio stations. >> i love that. scarpelli is coming up next --
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scott pelley is coming up next. that will do it for kpix news at 5 o'clock. >> pelley: tragedy in berlin. a truck plows into a christmas market. many are dead. police are investigating the possibility of terrorism. also tonight, russia's ambassador to turkey is assassinated by a man shouting, "remember aleppo." a warehouse full of knockoffs. beware a counterfeit christmas with a sinister motive. >> reporter: funding terrorism. >> that's correct. >> pelley: the arctic blast turns deadly, and they're rehearsing her opera, and she's 11 years old. >> i've seen this all in my imagination, how it would sound like and how it would look like.


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